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Избранные публикации


  1. М.А.Хорошева, В.И.Орлов, Н.В.Абросимов, В.В.Кведер «Определение неравновесной концентрации вакансий в кристаллах кремния по измерению концентрации атомов никеля в узлах решетки» ЖЭТФ, 137(5), 879-885 (2010)
  2. V. Yu. Aristov, O. V. Molodtsova, C. Laubschat, V. M. Zhilin, I. M. Aristova, V. V. Kveder, M. Knupfer «Properties of hybrid organic-inorganic systems: Au nanoparticles embedded into an organic CuPc matrix» APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 97, 113103 (2010)
  3. D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schr?ter, M. Seibt «Light-induced point defect reactions of residual iron in crystalline silicon after aluminum gettering»JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 108, 043519 (2010)


  1. Michael Seibt , Reda Khalil, Vitaly Kveder , Wolfgang Schr?ter «Electronic states at dislocations and metal silicide precipitates in crystalline silicon and their role in solar cell materials» Applied Physics A , 96, 235-253 (DOI 10.1007/s00339-008-5027-8) (2009)
  2. D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schroeter, M. Seibt «Aluminum gettering of iron in silicon as a problem of the ternary phase diagram» APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94, 061912 (2009)
  3. M. Seibt, D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, C. Rudolf, P. Saring, L. Stolze, O. Voss«Interaction of metal impurities with extended defects in crystalline silicon and its implications for gettering techniques used in photovoltaics» Materials Science and Engineering B, 159-60, 264-268 (doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2008.12.044) (2009)
  4. Bredikhin Ivan, Sergey Bredikhin and Vitaly Kveder «Optimization of the Charge Transfer Process in Composite Ni/YSZ Cermet Anodes» ECS Transactions, 25 (2) 1967-1974 (2009)


  1. V. Kveder, V. Orlov, M. Khorosheva, M. Seibt «Influence of the dislocation travel distance on the DLTS spectra of dislocations in Cz-Si» Solid State Phenomena, Vols.131-133, pp. 175-181 (2008)
  2. V.Kveder, M.Kittler «Dislocations in Silicon and D-band Luminescence for Infrared Light Emitters» "Advances in Light Emitting Materials" ed. H.Grimmeiss and Monemar, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, to be published (2008)
  3. Ivan Bredikhin, S.Bredikhin, A.Aronin, V.Sinitsyn, V.Kveder «SOFC anode performance enhancement through nano-structured heterojunction formation» Proceedings of the 8th EUROPEAN SOFC FORUM, to be published (2008)


  1. O. Voss, V.V. Kveder, M. Seibt «Electrical properties of gold in dislocated silicon» phys.stat.sol.(a), 204, 2185-2189 (2007)
  2. N.N.Kolesnikov, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, V.V.Kveder, R.B.James «Recrystallization in ceramic material fabricated from Cd1-xZnxTe» Proc. SPIE, 6706, 67061B (2007)
  3. N.N.Kolesnikov, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, V.V.Kveder, R.B.James «Влияние отжига на структуру и эксплуатационные свойства Cd1-xZnxTe из нанопорошка» Деформация и разрушение материалов, 12, с. 38-42 (2007)
  4. Колесников Н. Н., Е. Б. Борисенко, Д. Н. Борисенко, В. В. Кведер, В. К. Гартман, Б. А. Гнесин «Фазовый переход вюрцит-сфалерит при холодном прессовании нанокристаллических порошков CdTe и Cd1-xZnxTe» Журнал функциональных материалов, 1, 72-74 (2007)


  1. M. Seibt, A. Sattler, C. Rudolf, O.Vo?, V. Kveder, W. Schroeter «Gettering in Silicon Photovoltaics: Current State and Future Perspectives» phys. stat. sol. (a), 203, 696–713 (2006)
  2. Колесников Н. Н., Е. Б. Борисенко, Д. Н. Борисенко, В. В. Кведер, В. К. Гартман, А. В. Тимонина «Керамические материалы из нанокристаллов Cd1-xZnxTe» Deformation and Fracture of Materials, 1, 394-397 (2006)


  1. M. Badylevich, V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan «Influence of magnetic field on the unlocking stress for dislocation motion in Cz-Si depending on pre-annealing time» Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 108-109 pp. 163-168 (2005)
  2. S.K.Brantov, V.V.Kveder, N.N.Kuznetzov and V.I.Orlov «Silicon Layers Grown On Siliconized Carbon Net: Producing And Properties» Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 108-109 pp. 503-508 (2005)
  3. M. Badylevich, V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan «Spin – resonant change of unlocking stress for dislocations in silicon» Phys. Stat. Sol, 2, No.6, pp. 1869-1872 (2005)
  4. V. Kveder, M. Badylevich, W.Schr?ter, M. Seibt, E. Steinman, A. Izotov «Silicon light-emitting diodes based on dislocation-related luminescence» phys. stat. sol. (a), 202, No. 5, 901–910 (2005)
  5. R. Khalil, V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt «Early stages of iron precipitation in silicon» phys. stat. sol. (c), 2, 1802-1806 (2005)
  6. M.Seibt, V. Kveder, W.Schroter, O.Voss «Structural and electrical properties of metal impurities at dislocations in silicon» phys. stat. sol. (a), 202, No. 5, 911–920 (2005)
  7. O. Voss, V. V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt «Electrical Properties of Gold at Dislocations in Silicon» phys. stat. sol. (c), 2, 1847-1852 (2005)
  8. «Nonmonotonic Variation of the Electrical Conductivity of C60 Fullerene Crystals Dynamically Compressed to 300 kbar as Evidence of Anomalously Strong Reduction of the Energy Barrier of C60 Polymerizati» , (2005)
  9. N.N.Kolesnikov, V.V.Kveder, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, B.A.Gnesin, R.B.James «Structure and properties of CdTe ceramics produced through nanopowder compaction» Journal of Crystal Growth, 285, 339-344 (2005)


  1. M. Badylevich, Yu. Iunin., V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan «Influence Magnetic Field on the Critical Stress and Dislocation Mobility in Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 95-96, pp. 433-438. (2004)
  2. V.Kveder, V.Badylevich, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, M.Seibt, W.Schr?ter «Silicon light emitting diodes based on dislocation luminescemce» Appl.Phys.Lett, 84 (12) 2106 (2004)
  3. D.N.Borisenko, N.N.Kolesnikov, M.P.Kulakov, V.V.Kveder «Kinetics of the Carbon Nanomaterials Oxidation» International Journal of Nanoscience, 3, 355-369 (2004)


  1. Бадылевич М.В., Иунин Ю.Л., Кведер В.В., Орлов В.И., Осипьян Ю.А. «Изменение подвижности индивидуальных дислокаций в кремнии стимулированное магнитным полем. ЖЭТФ» ЖЭТФ, том 124, вып. 3(9), стр. 664-669 (2003)
  2. M.V.Badylevich, Yu.L.Iunin., V.V.Kveder, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Osipyan «Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Starting Stress and Mobility of Individual Dislocations in Silicon» JETP, 97, 601-605 (2003)


  1. V.Kveder, W.Schroter, M.Seibt, A.Sattler «Electrical Activity of Dislocations in Si Decorated by N» Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 361-366 (2002)
  2. Wolfgang Schroter Vitaly Kveder, Henrik Hedemann «Electrical Effects of Point Defect Clouds at Dislocations in Silicon Studied by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy» Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 213-218 (2002)
  3. M.Seibt, A.Doller, V.Kveder, A.Sattler, A.Zozime «Platinum Silicide Precipitate Formation during Phosphorus Diffusion Gettering in Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 411-416 (2002)
  4. Yu.A. Osip’yan, V.E. Fortov, K.L.Kagan, VV. Kveder, V.I. Kulakov, A.N.Kur’yanchik, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Postnov, N.S.Sidorov «Conductivity of C60 Fullerene Crystals under Dynamic Compression up to 200 kbar» JETP Letters, 75 (11), 563–565 (2002)
  5. Wolfgang Schroter ,Henrik Hedemann ,Vitaly Kveder and Frank Riedel «Measurements of energy spectra of extended defects» J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14, 13047–13059 (2002)


  1. V.Kveder, M.Kittler, W.Schroeter «Temperature dependence of the recombination activity at contaminated dislocations in Si: A model describing the different EBIC contrast behaviour» Phys.Rev.B, 63, 115208 (2001)
  2. R.A.Dilanyan, S.S.Khasanov, S.I.Bredikhin, A.F.Gurov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osip'yan, and A.I.Shalynin «Phase Transitions and the Structure of the C60 Crystal Doped with Lithium by Electrodiffusion» JETP, 93, 1239 (2001)
  3. В.В.Кведер, Э.А.Штейнман, Р.Н.Любовская, С.А.Омельченко, Ю.А.Осипьян «Магнитные свойства кристаллов молекулярного комплекса фуллерена C60 с органическим донором 9,9'-транс-бис теллуроксантинил (BTX)» Письма ЖЭТФ, т.74, в.8,стр.422 (2001)
  4. С.В.Авдеев, А.В.Баженов, Р.А.Диланян, А.И.Иванов, А.Н.Изотов, А.В.Калмыков, В.В.Кведер, Е.В.Марков, В.П.Никитский, Р.К.Николаев, Ю.А.Осипьян, Г.И.Падалко, Н.С.Сидоров, Э.А.Штейнман «Оптические измерения на монокристаллах С60 выращенных в условиях микрогравитации» Поверхность, №9, с73 (2001)
  5. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, R.N.Lyubovskaya, S.A.Omel’chenko, Yu.A.Osipyan «Magnetic Properties of Crystals of the Molecular Complex between Fulleren C60 and an Organic Donor 9’9-trans-bis(telluraxanthenil)» JETP Letters, 74(8), 422-424 (2001)


  1. S.Bredikhin, S.Scharner , M.Klinger, V.Kveder, B.Red'kin, W.Weppner «Nonstoichiometry and electrocoloration due to injection of Li+ and O2- ions into lithium niobate crystals» Journal of Applied Physics, 88(10), 5687-5694 (2000)
  2. D.V.Dyachenko-Decov, Yu.L.Iunin, A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Ossipyan, N.S.Sidorov, E.A.Steinman «Possible Polimerisation at Dislocations in C60 Crystals» Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 222, 111-119 (2000)
  3. V.Kveder, W.Schroeter, A.Sattler, M.Seibt «Simulation of Al and phosphorus-diffusion gettering in Si» Materials Science and Engineering, B71, 175-181 (2000)
  4. S.Bredikhin, S.Scharner, M.Klingler,V.Kveder. B.Red'kin W. Weppner «Peculiarity of O and Li electrodiffusion into lithium niobate single crystals» Solid State Ionics, 135, 737-742 (2000)
  5. E.A.Steinman , V.V.Kveder, D.V.Konarev, Wang Qin, and H.G.Grimmeiss «Charge transfer state of novel molecular complex C26H18Te2 / C60 / CS2 detected in Single Crystals by photoluminescence and ESR» Chem.Phys. Lett, (2000)
  6. E.A.Steinman, S.V.Avdeev, V.B.Efimov, A.I.Ivanov, A.N.Izotov, A.V.Kalmykov, V.V.Kveder, E.V.Markov, V.P.Nikitskii, R.K.Nikolaev, Yu.A.Ossipyan, G.I.Padalko, N.S.Sidorov, A.V.Baxhenov, R.A.Dilanyan, an «Optical Characteristics of C60 Single Crystals Grown in Microgravity Conditions» J.of Low Temp.Phys, (2000)
  7. S.Bredikhin, V.Kveder, A.Shalynin, R.Nikolaev Yu.Ossipyan «Peculiarity of lithium electrodiffusion into fullerides single crustals.» Journal of Ionics, 6, N 5-6, p.187-195 (2000)
  8. W.Schroeter, V.Kveder, M.Seibt, H.Ewe, H.Hedemann, F.Riedel, A.Sattler «Atomic structure and electronic states of nickel and copper silicides in silicon» Materials Science&Engineering, B72, 80-86 (2000)
  9. M.Seibt, A.Doller, V.Kveder, A.Sattler, A.Zozime «Phosphorus Diffusion Gettering of Platinum in Silicon: Formation of Near-Surface Precipitates» Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 222, 327-336 (2000)


  1. M. Kittler, V.V. Kveder, W. Schroter «Temperature dependence of the recombination activity at contaminated dislocations in Si: A model describing the different EBIC contrast behaviour» Solid State Phenomena, 69, 417-422 (1999)
  2. A.V. Bazhenov, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kveder, Yu.A. Ossipyan, R.K. Nikolaev, T.N. Fursova, A.I.Shalynin «Electronic properties of C60 single crystals doped with lithium by electrodiffusion» JETP, 89(5), 923-932 (1999)
  3. E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, V.I.Vdovin, and H.G.Grimmeiss «he origin and efficiency of dislocation luminescence in Si and its possible application in optoelectronics» Solid State Phenomena, vols.69-70, p.23 (1999)


  1. A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan, E.A.Steinman, R.K.Nikolaev, N.S.Sidorov «Features of the optical absorption of crystals of the fullerene C60 in the region of the orientational phase transition» JETP, 87(6), 1205-1213 (1998)
  2. A.V.Bazhenov, V.V.Kveder, A.A.Maksimov, I.I.Tartakovskii, R.A.Oganyan, Yu.A.Ossipyan, A.I.Shalynin «Raman scattering of light and IR absorption in carbon nanotubes» JETP, 86(5), 1030-1034 (1998)
  3. V.V. Kveder, V.D. Negrii, E.A. Steinman, A.N. Izotov, Yu.A. Osipyan, R.K. Nikolaev «Long-lived excited states and photoluminescence excitation spectra in single crystals of fullerene C60» JETP, 86(2), 405-411 (1998)
  4. V. V.Kveder, V.Negrii, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, Yu.Ossipyan, and R. Nikolaev «Долгоживущие возбужденные состояния и спектры возбуждения фотолюминесценци в монокристаллах фуллерена С60» JETP, 86, 405 (1998)


  1. V.D.Negrii, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Ossipyan, I.N.Kremenskaya, R.K.Nikolaev «Transformations of PL spectra in C60 crystals under laser irradiation at low temperature» Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 199, 587-595 (1997)
  2. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, B.J.Narymbetov, L.P.Rozenberg, S.S.Khasanov, R.P.Shibaeva, A.V.Bazhenov, A.V.Gorbunov, M.Yu.Maksimuk, D.V.Konarev, R.N.Lubovskaya, and Yu.A.Osipyan «Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence of Single Crystals of Fullerene - 9,9'-trans-bis(telluraxanthenyl) Molecular Complex C26H18Te2*C60*CS2» Chem.Physics, 216, 407-415 (1997)
  3. E.A. Steinman Kveder, V.V., A.V. Bazhenov , R.N. Lyubovskaya Yu.A. Ossipyan, and H.G.Grimmeiss «Photoluminescence of single crystals of fullerene--9,9_'_-{\it trans}-bis (telluraxanthenyl) molecular complex: C26H18Te2\C60\CS2» Proceedings of ECS, v.4 pp.1200-1205 (1997)
  4. V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Steinman, A.N.Izotov «The Effect of Dislocation on the g-Tenzor of Holes in Dislocation Related 1D Energy Band in Si» Solid State Phenomena, 57-58, 299-304 (1997)


  1. E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, H.G.Grimmeiss «The Mechanisms and Application of Dislocation Related Radiation for Silicon Based Light Sources» Solid State Phenomena, 47-48 pp.217-222 (1996)
  2. V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Shteinman, and A.N.Izotov «Influence of the splitting of dislocations on the g factor of holes in one-dimensional dislocation band» JETP, 83 (4), 829 (1996)
  3. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss «Dislocation related Electroluminescence at Room Temperature in Plastically Deformed Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, 47-48 pp. 419-424 (1996)


  1. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss «The investigation of relaxation in strained Si1-xGex /Si epilayers using photoluminescence» J.Appl.Phys, 78 (1), 446 (1995)
  2. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, S.A.Shevchenko, H.G.Grimmeiss «Dislocation related electroluminescence at room temperature in plastically deformed silicon» Phys.Rev. B, 51(16), 10520-10526 (1995)
  3. V.Kveder, T.Sekiguchi, K.Sumino «Electronic states associated with dislocations in p-type silicon studied by means of electric-dipole-spin-resonance and deep-level-transient-spectroscopy» Phys.Rev. B, 51(23), 16721-16727 (1995)
  4. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss «Photoluminescence studies of relaxation processes in strained Si1-xGex/Si epilayers» J.Appl.Phys, 78 No1, 446 (1995)
  5. N.T.Bagraev, E.V.Vladimirskaya, V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, V.V.Kveder, L.E.Klyachkin, A.M.Malyarenko, A.I.Shalynin «Strong charge correlations in p+ quantum wells on the surface of n-type silicon» Phys.Solid.State, 37(10), 1655-1658 (1995)
  6. N.T.Bagraev, L.E.Klyachkin, A.M.Malyarenko, E.I.Chaikina, E.V.Vladimirskaya, V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin «Metal-insulator transition in strongly doped p+ quantum wells on a n-type silicon surface» Semiconductors, 29(12), 1112-1124 (1995)


  1. T.Sekiguchi, V.V.Kveder, K.Sumino «Hydrogen effect on the optical activity of dislocations in silicon introduced at room temperature» J. Appl. Phys, 76(12), 7882-7888 (1994)
  2. T.R.Mchedlidze, V.V.Kveder, J.Jablonski, K.Sumino «Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance Study on Extended Defects in Czochralski-Grown Silicon Developed by Thermal Treatment» Phys.Rev.B, 50(3), 1511 (1994)


  1. V.A.Chesnakov, V.V.Kveder «Formation and growth of lead dendrites in PbF2 during direct current flow» JETP Lett, 58, 210-214 (1993)
  2. P.Omling, V.Kveder, B.K.Meyer, K.Oettinger, U.Kaufmann, O.Kordina «Optically detected magnetic-resonance observervation of spin-dependent interdefect electron transfer in GaP:(V,S) system» Phys.Rev.B, 47(19), 12527-12531 (1993)
  3. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman «Influence of Microwave Heating on Dislocation Photoluminescence in Plastically Deformed Germanium» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 138, 625-630 (1993)
  4. A.Bazhenov, V.Kveder, L.Krasilnikova, K.Rezchikov «Far-Infrared Absorption on Dislocations in Plastically Deformed p-Si» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 137, 321-326 (1993)
  5. V.V.Kveder «Elictriv-Dipole Spin Resonance on Extended Defects in Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, 32-33, 279-290 (1993)


  1. V.V. Kveder, T.R. Mchedlidze «Anizotropy and Temperature Dependence of Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance on Dislocations in p-Si» JETP(rus), 102,174-186 (1992)


  1. V.V.Kveder, P.Omling, H.G.Grimmeiss, Yu.A.Osipian «Optically detected magnetic resonance of dislocations in silicon» Phys.Rev.B, 43(8),6569-6572 (1991)
  2. V.V. Kveder, M.R. Mkrtchan, A.I. Shalynin «Problem of microwave absorption in a high-temperature superconducting ceramic in a magnetic field» Solid State Physics (Russian), 33(4),1226-1237 (1991)


  1. M.Wattenbach, C.Kisielowski-Kemmerich, H.Alexander, V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian «Electric-dipole spin resonance of dislocations in plastically deformed p-type silicon» Phys.Stat.Sol., 158, K49-K53 (1990)
  2. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Investigation of one-dimensional defects in Si using the EDSR» in Defect Control in Semicond., K.Sumino (ed.), Elsevier Sci.Publ. B.V. (North-Holland), p.1417-1422 (1990)
  3. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Relationship between a combined resonance in plastically deformed n-type silicon with a dislocation structure» Solid State Physics (Russian), 32(8), 2224-2229 (1990)


  1. V.V.Kveder, A.E.Koshelev, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Temperature dependence of conduction by reconstructed dislocations in silicon and nonlinear effects» Sov.Phys.JETP, 68(1), 104-108 (1989)
  2. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Conductivity along dislocations: temperature dependence and nonlinear effects. Combined resonance and structure peculiarities of plastically deformed silicon» Solid State Phenom, 6-7, 301-308 (1989)


  1. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Characteristics of microwave losses in a super-conducting ceramic subjected to a magnetic field» JETP Lett.(Russian), 46(Suppl.), 176-179 (1987)
  2. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Spin-dependent recombination and conductivity as a method for investigation of dislocations in semiconductors» Izvesiya Acad. of Sci.USSR-Phys.Ser.(Russian), 51(4), 626-632 (1987)
  3. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Combined electron resonance in a one-dimensional dislocation band» JETP (Russian), 93(4), 1470-1479 (1987)


  1. A.V.Bazhenov, V.V.Kveder, L.L.Krasilnikova, A.I.Shalynin «Light absorption due to deep dislocation states in silicon» Solid State Physics (Russian), 28(1), 230-234 (1986)
  2. V.V.Kveder, V.Ya.Kravchenko, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, D.E.Khmelnizkii, A.I.Shalynin «Combined resonance at dislocations in silicon» JETP Lett. (Russian), 43(4), 202-205 (1986)


  1. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.R.Sagdeev, A.I.Shalynin, M.N.Zolotukhin «The effect of annealing and hydrogenation on the dislocation conduction in silicon» Phys. Stat.Sol.(a), 87, 657-665 (1985)
  2. V.V.Kveder, R.Labusch Yu.A.Osipian «Frequency dependence of the dislocation conduction in Ge and Si» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), 92, 293-302 (1985)
  3. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Spin-dependent change in the RF photo conductivity of silicon crystals containing dislocations» JETP (Russian), 88(1), 309-317 (1985)
  4. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Interaction of hydrogen with dislocations in Si", p.395-398 in "Dislocations in Solids» Dislocations in Solids, p.395-398 (1985)


  1. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «The exodiffusion of hydrogen in dislocated crystalline silicon» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), 84, 149-156 (1984)
  2. V.V.Aristov, M.N.Zolotukhin, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.I.Snighireva, I.I.Khodos «Comparative ESR and DLTS investigations of the annealing process of broken dislocation bonds in silicon» Fiz. Tverd. Tela (USSR), 26(5), 1412-1418 (1984)


  1. «Spin-dependent recombination at dislocation dangling bonds in Si» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), (1983)
  2. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.R.Sagdeev, M.N.Zolotukhin «The Effect of annealing on the dislocation dissociation in plastically deformed silicon» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 76, 485-491 (1983)


  1. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, W.Schroter, G.Zoth «On the energy spectrum of dislocations in silicon» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), 72,701-713 (1982)
  2. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, M.N.Zolotukhin «Influence of hydrogen on dislocation donor and accepter states» JETP (Russian), 82(6), 2068-2075 (1982)
  3. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Spin-dependent recombination on dislocation dangling bonds in silicon» JETP (Russian), 83(2), 699-714 (1982)
  4. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Investigation of spin-dependent recombination at dislocations in silicon» Fiz. & Tekh. Poluprovodn., 16(8), 1459-1461 (1982)
  5. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Investigation of dislocations in silicon by the ESR method» Fiz. & Tekh. Poluprovodn., 16(11), 1930-1933 (1982)


  1. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan «Concerning the annealing of a dislocation EPR signal in silicon» Phys. Status Solidi B, 103(2), 519-528 (1981)
  2. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Investigation of dislocations in silicon by the photo-EPR method» JETP (Russian), 80(3), 1206-1216 (1981)
  3. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, M.N.Zolotukhin «Investigation of the dislocation spin system in silicon as model of one-dimensional spin chains» JETP (Russian), 81(1), 299-307 (1981)

1980 - 1960

  1. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian «The electronic instability in Si caused by dislocations» Solid State Physics (Russian), 22(2), 513-522 (1980)
  2. V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Kveder, Yu.A.Osip'yan, Y.H.Lee, H.Kleinhenz, H. van Camp, C.P.Scholes, J.W.Corbett «ENDOR of a dislocation center in a deformed silicon» Phys. Lett. A, 66A (5), 398-400 (1978)
  3. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina «Investigation of energy spectrum and kinetic phenomena in dislocated Si crystals (1)» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 43, 407-415 (1977)
  4. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina «Investigation of energy spectrum and kinetic phenomena in dislocated Si crystals (2. Microwave Conductivity)» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 44, 107-115 (1977)
  5. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian «Oscillations of conductance in silicon crystals with dislocations» Solid State Physics, 19(2), 585-588 (1977)
  6. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian «The high frequency conductance of dislocations in silicon» JETP Lett, 24(3), 164-166 (1976)
  7. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Influence of spin state of dislocations on the conductivity of silicon crystals» JETP Lett, 21(12), 708-711 (1975)
  8. V.V.Kveder, B.Ya.Kotyuzhanskii, L.A.Prozorova «Investigation of the beyond-threshold susceptibility in antiferromagnetuc MnCO3 and CsMnF3 in parametric excitation of spin waves» JETP, 19, 353 (1974)
  9. S.V.Broude, V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Investigation of properties of the dislocational EPR spectra in silicon» JETP Lett, 39(4), 721-725 (1974)
  10. V.V.Kveder, B.Ya.Kotyuzhanski, L.A.Prozorova «Parametric excitation of spin waves in antiferromagnetic MnCO3» JETP, 36(6), 1165-1169 (1973)